Team Quest – "Jedi Training Course"

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Team Quest – "Jedi Training Course"

Sale Price:$6.50 Original Price:$7.00

This activity is a team building activity meant to be completed outside or in a large gym. Bring Star Wars to life with this Jedi themed group building activity!

• Set-up: about 20 minutes, additional adults or older students are needed to run each station.
• Activity: 60-75 minutes

This works best in groups of 3-5. 

• Each team must have at least one person as each role. If there are more than one, they must work together or each complete the task. 
o Mage
o Healer
o Warrior
• If Classcraft is used as a classroom management system, the teams and roles align with it. 
• Each team will compete to be the first to complete the quest and get to the treasure. 
• There will be 7 tasks to complete along the way.
• Teams will complete stations #1-6 in different order but all will end at #7.
• Each class (mage, warrior, and healer) has a specific task to complete. These tasks must be completed by all of that class on the team. If there are multiple stations for these tasks, the participants from one team must complete them one at a time.
• There are 4 team events. All team members must participate together to complete these.
• The treasure box is filled with items for each participant (candy or something else appropriate.) Have a variety and a few extra. The first team finished gets the best selection, and so on down, but everyone gets something otherwise there isn’t a lot of motivation to complete the quest.
• If you use ClassCraft, you can also give XP for the winning team as well as other awards such as teamwork, spirit, etc.

Materials Needed:
• check off sheet, 1 per team (on a clipboard is easiest)
• 50-100 piece puzzles – 1 per team Decide on a 5 letter word (ex: wrath) that will work with the letter choices. The letters need to be randomly written on the back of puzzle pieces. 
• rope tied in a circle – 1 per team
• blindfolds – 1 per person – These are for one station, so the number needed is only for the largest team. If this station is doubled, twice as many.
• ball/scoop sets – 3 balls
• 3 plastic hoops to toss
• 1 light saber (or pool noodle)
• Hula hoop
• Bamboo stick (the type used for plant stake)
• Bowls, spoon, 8 marshmallows
• Treasure box with 5 letter word lock
• Cones to mark off areas for obstacles course and stations
• Prizes for treasure box

Steps for the project:
• Gather all the materials, many you will have in your classroom or can be borrowed from the PE teacher
• Print task card, 1 per station, teams read them and give them back to the volunteer (Jedi Master) running that activity

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